Nahuel Alvarez

Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina · (341) 656-2667 ·

Fullstack developer, last year student of Systems Engineering at UTN-FRRo. Passionate about development, new technologies and sports.

Work experience

Fullstack Developer


Web application development using Python (Flask, Pydantic, SQLAlchemy) for backend, React (typescript, MaterialUI) for frontend and PostreSQL as database. Also working with AWS.

Mar 2021 - Present

Software Engineer


Design and Implementation of Stack, Architecture and Functionality using React + React Native (React Native Web) + Express + TypeORM + Sequelize monorepo + Firestore (for chat Implementation)

Sep 2020 - Present

Backend Developer


Developments with Ruby on Rails. Using Spree to develop E-Commerces, with PostgreSQL for databases, working in turn with docker and managing AWS.

Sep 2020 - May 2021

Data Science Intern

"La Segunda" Cooperativa Limitada de Seguros Generales

Big data and predictive analytics, making models with Python (scikit-learn, numpy, pandas).

Jun 2019 - Oct 2020


National Technological University - FRRo

Bachelor of Engineering - BE, infomation Technology

GPA: 8.03

Mar 2014 - Present


Programming languages & Tools
  • German - B1
  • English - C1

Other Information

Besides being a student and a software developer, I really enjoy outdoor activities, mostly playing soccer or exercising in the park.

On the other hand, when I don't have to study or do any work at home, I love to read, especially books about space and the cosmos.


  • Microcontrollers for people with disabilities. Exhibitor at the National Congress of Engineering in Information Systems CONAIISI 2018.
  • Computer Vision for administrative activities. Exhibitor at the National Congress of Engineering in Information Systems CONAIISI 2019.
  • Automation of areas for energy saving. Exhibitor at the Provincial Engineering Congress JIT 2018.
  • Participation of DAAD scholarship - Exchange to Germany - with the project "Automation of areas to optimize energy consumption".